
Planning is not what you think - How to Budget


For most of us, planning sounds like a lot of work.  When it comes to planning a budget, even planners like my wife and I initially cringe at the thought of it. We commonly think it means that we do not get to do want we want to do.  Another thought is that we do not want to be locked into something that can not be changed.  The truth is, both of these are lies that we tell ourselves so that we do not have to do the work of planning.

Planning actually gives us more freedom to do what we want.  It provides us with the freedom to spend without guilt attached to it.  Budgeting is a tool that allows us to accomplish this.  Twice a month my wife and I review the budget to make corrections based on current circumstances and desired goals.  Every dollar is given an assignment.  Sometimes the assignments change.  For example, we recently had to have our crawl space sealed.  This was not cheap.  Instead of it crippling us, we just reassigned some funds to cover it.  No worrying, or scrambling to figure out what to do was needed thanks to our plan.

Plans are not set in stone, they are just a framework for what you want to do.  Nothing ever goes exactly according to plan, and that is fine.  Just a few changes to an existing plan and you are still on your way to your desired goals.

Do not fall into the trap of these common types of thinking:  I will start tomorrow, money is tight right now, once I have a family, or when the kids get a little older...etc.  Right now time is on your side, but it won't be forever.  Why wait?  If you need help with where to start, I am a phone call or email away.  Mention this blog post and receive 25% off your first three months.