It takes more than luck - Acheiving Success in Personal Finances

It takes more than luck - Acheiving Success in Personal Finances

What is it about goals that become impossible to achieve?  Do we set too high of expectations?  Or maybe it's too easy and not enough of a challenge.  Once a goal is decided on, we become rock stars.  The first month is a daily dose of killing it to make our goal happen.  Month two, however, seems to be a completely different story.  All of a sudden the drive is no longer there and we are back to our old habits that we swore to change.  To make matters worse, it seems that everyone around us is succeeding at their goals.  Before we know it, we have given up on our mission.  So how do we stop this vicious cycle?  Accountability.

It is vitally important to surround yourself with people you respect to help keep your motivation going.  If you hired a personal trainer who is unfit, would you respect their opinion when they are demanding one more rep or set?  Absolutely not.  Choose your counsel wisely and not just someone who makes you feel good.  Often times tough love is needed most.  Having a network of accountability can help greatly in your everyday life.  From finances to professional growth to relationships and everything in between.

Start by having conversations with people you admire and respect.  Ask them if they are open to having an accountability relationship or just willing to hold you accountable.  Once you have gotten a few people, you now have an accountability network.  Personally, I created a small group with a total of 3 people. We meet every other week and use the power of technology to check in weekly.  A free program we use to track our goals and hold each other accountable is Trello.  This group is a great way to find encouragement and receive healthy push back from someone other than a spouse or close family member.

Success is not determined by luck.  It is determined by intentional steady progress moving in a positive direction.  Yes, lucky things do happen but it is what you do with it that counts.